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gaeleth:campaigns:timeline [2020/03/22 19:54]
gaeleth:campaigns:timeline [2021/09/28 15:48]
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-====== Timeline ====== 
-The timeline reflects events in the campaigns, in chronological order. ​ Months proceed ​ with Lan (Spring), Vor (Summer), Cal (Fall), Sad (Summer), and Gril (where the weather cannot stabilize for long). 
-^ Date ^ Event ^ 
-| 766 | The god [[gaeleth:​divinities:​Arpelos]] slips through the Shield. ​ Arpelos disappears; some consider him dead. | 
-| 772 | Storm Wars end.  Archimage Vyrboth Liss slain by his son.  Age of Regret begins. | 
-| 804 | Shisason acquires Kingdom of the Granite Dwarves. | 
-| 867 | Prophets speak in One Voice. ​ [[gaeleth:​history:​Inquisition]] begins. ​ First crusade. ​ Last dragon officially slain. ​ Cashes created. | 
-| 989 | Second crusade. ​ Last dragon officially slain. | 
-| 1201 | Third crusade. ​ Ogre nation of Timaus razed by Crusaders. | 
-| 1265 | Tyven razed by Lord Elistan and his undead hordes. | 
-| 1311 | The god Galanus'​ Book of the Dead stolen. | 
-| 1316 | War of the Undead begins. | 
-| 1320 | Second Death of Nathel; War of the Undead ends. | 
-| 1329 | War of the Four Winds. | 
-| 1333 | Current campaign. | 
-====== 1316 Avard ====== 
-**Trilan 18th:** High Priest of the Rakanus Clan sends an emissary to the Warkore Clan.\\ 
-**Trilan 24th:** Rakanus and Warkore Clans clans begin reconciliations.\\ 
-**Vor 7th:** Ogremai kills Father Doreth and takes his position; Holy Forge of Mount Lavanor goes cold.\\ 
-**Vor 11th:** Ograns attack Mount Lavanor and very nearly sack it.\\ 
-**Vor 13th:** Rakanus dwarves send aid to Kashin.\\ 
-**Vor 27th:** Last of the desert elves of Vinaalaalalus relocate to Kashin; smithbanes destroy dwarven armory in Mount Lavanor.\\ 
-**Vor 28th:** Ogremai plant discovered and killed; Father Bryan named new high priest of the Rakanus Clan.\\ 
-**Davor 9th:** Kur Maeth invaded by Nabrolians.\\ 
-**Cal 1st:** Rakore founded.\\ 
-**Trical 5th:** King Ulrich of Rakore assassinated;​ War of the Undead officially begins for Rakore.\\ 
-====== 1317 Avard ====== 
-No entries. 
-====== 1318 Avard ====== 
-**Dacal 10th:** Half the continent of Nabrol is destroyed, causing global upheaval.\\ 
-**Sad 2nd:** Fourth Crusades invades Kur Maeth.\\ 
-====== 1319 Avard ====== 
-**Dalan 4th:** Lake Kiriath becomes the Sea of Kiriath, causing global upheaval.\\ 
-====== 1320 Avard ====== 
-**Davor 11th:** Arpelos returns from the past.\\ 
-**Davor 12th:** Giran Howel slays Nathel, ending the War of the Undead; Shield drops and Maroth returns to the sky.\\ 
-**Trisad 10th:** First srik sighting as a an ogran tribe is engulfed and destroyed.\\ 
-====== 1321 Avard ====== 
-**Vor 18th:** Lok Magius founded in Rakore.\\ 
-====== 1322 Avard ====== 
-**Vor 9th:** Chosen of Xoriah '​returns'​ from history.\\ 
-**Dacal 23rd:** Nabrolian expedition hits the Rakoran shores, and their fleet is sunk by tomanths.\\ 
-====== 1323 - 1326 Avard ====== 
-No entries. 
-====== 1327 Avard ====== 
-**Dalan 20th:** Iron Lord assaults the Faeleran.\\ 
-**Vor 25th:** Talon of Lul found in Vridara.\\ 
-**Davor 9th:** Goblin King noted in southern Amaran lands.\\ 
-**Trivor 19th:** Ogran assault force strikes Lok Sadic and kidnaps only known gnome in Rakore.\\ 
-**Cal 2nd:** Legacy Project investigated on the Griktale Escarpment.\\ 
-**Cal 7th:** Legacy golem known as Key activated.\\ 
-**Sad 4th:** Thalock Stoneknee, dwarven cleric of Samis, begins a delivery race to the Star's End Monastery.\\ 
-**Sad 10th:** A cursed emerald chalice affects the Seven Sisters Inn in Takanal.\\ 
-**Sad 24th:** Duke Meltank'​s mausoleum outside of Lamental, Vridara is explored.\\ 
-**Dasad 3rd:** The emerald chalice is turned over to the Baron-and-the-Bishop of Mount Rilan.\\ 
-**Dasad 4th:** Vridaran forces pursue reports of a gnome escaping Lamental, Vridara.\\ 
-**Dasad 6th:** Vridaran force ambushed by Amarans outside of Noleth, Vridara.\\ 
-**Dasad 18th:** Ogran arms shipment from Rakore investigated near Rilan.\\ 
-**Dasad 19th:** Diagmonistar'​s city-state ruins investigated near the Mule Mountains.\\ 
-**Dasad 22nd:** First known encounter with Doom Rex.\\ 
-**Trisad 1st:** Ruins of Tymarell first explored; the troll known as Grythe destroys a Gideon Enterprises exploration team within the ruins.\\ 
-**Trisad 5th:** Ruins of Tymarell plundered by Doom Rex, and a dragon'​s hoard worth of treasure is hauled out.\\ 
-**Gril 20th:** Ruins of Tugren'​s Tower explored.\\ 
-**Gril 25th:** Spider Werkz founded.\\ 
-====== 1328 Avard ====== 
-**Lan 9th:​** ​ Town of Sevestal in the Laekenala Jungle reportedly possessed by a sorceress of Dakis known as Vessiss.\\ 
-**Lan 18th:** Ruins of Terezcotta investigated.\\ 
-**Lan 22nd:** First encounter with Castle Rezjommon.\\ 
-**Trilan 18th:** Huzar Ye'​amen al Sharral of Al Fahim begins his quest for Al Mudim.\\ 
-**Davor 7th:** Ruins of Shir Amanod explored.\\ 
-**Davor 17th:** A storshir of brilathes assaults Shir Galanus in Al Fahim.\\ 
-**Cal 10th:** Ruins of the Giant'​s Tears explored, revealing an abandoned demon city.\\ 
-**Cal 11th:** Kobold druid rescued from the shipwrecked //Colm Hivak// along the eastern arm of the  Gulf of Chirin.\\ 
-**Cal 22nd:** Al Fahim bows to Brigain'​s will over that of the Inquisition.\\ 
-**Cal 23rd:** Aboris, Al Fahim in an uproar as Rakore smuggles a mage out on the //​Skate//​.\\ 
-**Cal 27th:** Ghost ship hunts the Rakoran vessel //​Skate//​.\\ 
-**Dacal 1st:** //Green Maiden//'​s wreck explored near Chirin Island.\\ 
-**Dacal 15th:** Wuron Sfa, the Dragon Nation, founded.\\ 
-**Trical 3rd:** Four ghost ships terrorize the waters off the coast of Teras, Rakore, and savage the city and the shipyards.\\ 
-**Trical 5th:** Ghost ships terrorize Gridolin, Rakore.\\ 
-**Trical 7th:** The mage Beral coccoons the ruins of Terrace -- briefly.\\ 
-**Trical 9th:** Davan'​s Plague begins in Rakore, starting with a ship wrecked on Spider Werkz' shores.\\ 
-**Trical 17th:** Scrags loose on the Turan River in Rakore.\\ 
-**Trical 19th:** Ruins of Tymarell reinvestigated;​ Doom Rex's theft of a dragon'​s hoard confirmed.\\ 
-**Trical 27th:** A demon sneaks into Mount Basilisk in a young woman'​s body.\\ 
-**Sad 1st:** Stonehelm Clan accidentally unearths Grimbeard catacombs.\\ 
-**Sad 9th:** Kur Maen Inquisition fleet blockades Teras under the pretense of stopping Davan'​s Plague.\\ 
-**Sad 11th:** News of Tulish'​s destruction at the hands of rogue Quitzara reaches Rakore; Tikranor Plateau volcano lays thick layer of ash across Rakore.\\ 
-====== 1329 Avard ====== 
-**6th of Lan:** False Princess Sword begins rallying crusade against the Dragon Nations.\\ 
-**16th of Vor:** Gil Lyle secret demon-summoning basement discovered; Taria McColm retires as Lyle House Mage.\\ 
-**17th of Vor:** Night of Assassins in Kashin, Rakore.\\ 
-**20th of Vor:** Home of Evelin Battachirus in Boulderdash investigated for his role in the invasion; Armod d'​Arsture wanted as leader of the Scorpions and a key figure in the Night of Assassins.\\ 
-**22nd of Vor:** Scrags harass shipping near Kashin.\\ 
-**11th of Davor:** Burning Sun Monastery established on Hallis Island, Rakore.\\ 
-**14th of Davor:** //Green Demon// and //Virgin Nun// pirate vessels captured off of Hallis Island.\\ 
-**15th of Davor:** Salt mines of the ruins of Grunden explored near the town of Takanal.\\ 
-**16th of Davor:​** ​ Dwarves of Daggoneth found beneath the ruins of Tymarell investigated;​ ograns invade Rakore in the War of the Four Winds.\\ 
-**17th of Davor:** Town of Takanal evacuated to the ruins of Tymarell; roc-hawkes bring in armies to reinforce the Grant Maul Pass ahead of the armies; Ish'​Tir encountered on the Tikranor Plateau; Kestaria, Rakore, liberated from a self-styled troll king and his minions.\\ 
-**18th of Davor:** The ancient silver dragon Xynosalionisis sacrifices himself, destroying a combined Vridaran / Toomaran army bent on destroying Wuron Sfa.\\ 
-**19th of Davor:** Xynosalionisis is elevated to the status of god.\\ 
-**25th of Davor:** Marksmen exposed in Rilan as agents of Doom Rex.\\ 
-**28th of Davor:** Duke Herod Notimeh exposed as the Traitor of Rakore.\\ 
-**2nd of Trivor:** Kur Maens invade Rakore at the Janis Plains and in Teras.\\ 
-**4th of Trivor:** 150 Nabrolian triremes and close to 100,000 Nabrolian troops invade Rakore through the western forests north of Stomalin Keep and south of Firland; vampire-medusa Alliya destroyed on Hallis Island.\\ 
-**9th of Trivor:** Stomalin Keep falls to Kur Maens, which comes under siege from the Nabrolians.\\ 
-**11th of Trivor:** Kur Maens defect under ArchPrelate Talon Bhramord to Rakore.\\ 
-**14th of Trivor:** Stonehelm Clan withdraws to Mount Basilisk through secret tunnels after suffering 75% casualties; Stonehelms lose 1125 dwarves for close to a million ogran casualties; over 200 dopplegangers assault Burning Sun monastery.\\ 
-**17th of Trivor:** Loregard begins fighting withdrawal to Lok Sadic; former Kur Maens pushed off the Janis Plains and into the Warkore Mountains.\\ 
-**19th of Trivor:** King of Rakore flees to Hallis Island; Stonehelms hold Mount Basilisk; Lok Sadic, Lok Magius, Lok Giran, Kashin, Mount Lavanor, Warkore Mountains, and Teras to Stomalin Keep are all that remain in Rakoran-Kur Maen hands.\\ 
-**21st of Trivor:** Duke Henrik Kamus sacrifices himself at Mount Basilisk, destroying the ogran army laying siege to the fortress-city.\\ 
-**24th of Trivor:** Mages Audis Kamey, Rikard Moiress, Miria Moness, Levithalethel Siressessesithil,​ and Nikira Rikovistek sacrifice themselves to destroy six ogran armies.\\ 
-**5th of Cal:** Mrek Betheld'​aa the kobold surrenders to a Stonehelm.\\ 
-**16th of Cal:** Ogran Colonel Canneth Dwarfkiller surrenders to a Rakoran mage.\\ 
-**1st of Dacal:** Supreme Leader Itzak of the Ogre Nations surrenders to King Feldspar Graniteshoulders of Rakore.\\ 
-====== 1330 Avard ====== 
-**3rd of Lan:** Maotosh Sholin join Rakore.\\ 
-**18th of Dalan:** Dark Elven city of Thanerost '​found'​.\\ 
-**11th of Cal - 25th of Trical:​** ​ 11 nations savaged by rogue Tower in Tesan.\\ 
-====== 1331 Avard ====== 
-**1st of Vor:​** ​ Abandoned building in Teras burns down.\\ 
-**5th of Vor:​** ​  Last known sighting of the ship //​Kambringer//;​ hired out on comission by Arcanist Horbe.\\ 
-**31st of Vor:** Kambator'​s villa explored on the continent of Baroneth.\\ 
-**Early Davor:​** ​ Sholin village of Immedhya destroyed by sahuagin.\\ 
-**2nd of Trivor:** Manse of Thegrin explored near Teras; High Priest of Rakore'​s son's remains found and returned.\\ 
-**12th of Trivor:** Dragonborn terrorizes farms near Teras.\\ 
-**24th of Trivor:** Orc priest of Mazripos threatens merchants near Stomalin Keep.\\ 
-**3rd of Cal:** Elven mage interferes with road construction north of Teras.\\ 
-**Early Dacal:** William Danice exposed as a blood mage under Lok Magius.\\ 
-**12th of Cal:** Ruins of Wyrsa'​s Cove explored; statuette of Nathel discovered.\\ 
-**13th of Cal:** Soha'​in floating village near Maddog Island rescued from the undead.\\ 
-**15th of Cal:** Priest of Brigain attacks a dragonborn in Teras.\\ 
-**25th of Cal:** Tropical storm in Teras compounded by water elementals.\\ 
-**5th of Dacal:** Doppleganger pair burns down a yacht at the docks; owner never found.\\ 
-**14th of Dacal:** Mountain ruins of the Griffon Knights near Firland explored.\\ 
-**15th of Dacal:** Clan of Thunderdome orcs battle one another near Firland; Arcane Shield in Teras suffers an explosion; Seeker kills a mage in Teras.\\ 
-**16th of Dacal:** Beholder dominates dozens of Guards and teens in Teras.\\ 
-**1st of Trical:** Ruins of the Adierra visited in the Laekenala Jungle.\\ 
-**10th of Trical:** Sholin village of Ihorangi taken by pirates.\\ 
-**11-12th of Trical:** Ruins of Gamphaelbok'​s tower near Lake Ocen visited.\\ 
-**20th of Trical:** A battle mage storms through Avris and '​borrows'​ the Tower.\\ 
-**21st of Trical:** Pirate Prince Ihoaea'​s //Cries of Gulls// flagship sunk.\\ 
-**23rd of Sad:** Akaius the assassin caught and jailed in Teras.\\ 
-**8th of Dasad:** River Crown'​s Clan of Caerne assaulted by the undead.\\ 
-**9th of Dasad:** Council of Fasra betrayed and murdered by Master Heinz.\\ 
-**15th of Dasad:** Caerne'​s Pass totem erected to keep the pass clear of undead.\\ 
-**20th of Dasad:** Order of Caerne founded by Duke of the Janis Plains; forms foundation of the writ for Maleah'​s Mercantile.\\ 
-**25th of Dasad:** Sir Tyrne, Lord of River Crown, is assassinated by the undead.\\ 
-** 6th of Trisad:** Baron Wilhelm Dellis moves the baronial seat to River Crown; mining complex ruins near River Crown explored; undead presence in the area destroyed.\\ 
-======= 1332 Avard ======= 
-**2nd of Dalan:** Manse of Valen explored by Meridian Explorations.\\ 
-**3-8th of Dalan:** Meridian Explorations in Rustos, Rakore, searching for suppression crystals.\\ 
-**9th of Dalan:** A renegade kobold tribe delves into the ruins of Dulmathriel.\\ 
-**13th of Dalan:** An M.E. crew is attacked by Kagen the Blackknife in Teras. ​ Rolf the Butcher'​s shoppe burns down in Teras.\\ 
-**15th of Dalan:** A statue of Infierne is destroyed in the ruins of Dulmathriel.\\ 
-**16th of Dalan:** Father Albrem of Chasadan killed during his assassination attempt on the Ducal Mage of the Janis Plains, on Yatindar'​s Eve.\\ 
-**18th of Dalan:** Curse of Ranis lifted; otyughs and carrion crawlers infest Chasadan in the aftermath of Yatindar'​s Day.\\ 
-**19th of Dalan:** Kagen the Blackknife and a score of thugs attack Chasadan trying to get some of the Ducal Mage's goods.\\ 
-**20th of Dalan:** Graven Warforged awakens near Chasadan. ​ Captain Aeron of the Guard assigned to M.E.  Meridian Explorations goes to Rustos, where they kill a score of werewolves, including an Alpha.\\ 
-**23rd of Dalan:** Defender Arkhan, first dragonborn paladin of Xynos, arrives in Chasadan. ​ M.E. kills a host of bandits -- most of which were noble sons.\\ 
-**24th of Dalan:** Priestess of Brigain in Chasadan grants a prophecy to Arkhan.\\ 
-**25th of Dalan:** Kalburn Stormhammer attacks M.E. when they ask too many questions.\\ 
-**27th of Dalan:** M.E. investigates Reegel'​s Tomb.\\ 
-**28th of Dalan:** M.E. wanted for murder as two dopplegangers are loosed on Chasadan by one of Father Albrem'​s servants.\\ 
gaeleth/campaigns/timeline.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/09/28 15:48 (external edit)