====== Campaign IX, Chapter 3, Session 2 ====== **Characters:** [[gaeleth:people:Roswyn]], [[gaeleth:people:Nadar]]\\ **Date:** Mid Trivor, 1331 Avard\\ **Synopsis:** Roswyn and Nadar went to investigate some farm trouble northwest of Teras. Nadar killed a prize cow by 'accident', before moving on to take care of the elganette beetle and its associated fire beetles terrorizing the area. ====== Story ====== //Morning of Trivor the 11th, 1331 Avard.// To be written by Caileb Linscomb from the perspective of the dragonborn fighter Nadar. //Evening of Trivor the 13th, 1331 Avard.// ====== Behind the Scenes ====== **Date:** THU06MAY2010 ==== DM (Joe) ==== It was easy to throw something together to challenge a party of just two, though it was a trial in patience for Caileb, who just wanted to hack n' slash. Ah, to be young... I do believe I told them to play 2nd level, though I'm not sure. ==== Sommer (Roswyn) ==== No comment. ==== Caileb (Nadar) ==== No comment.