====== Tending Stone ====== The tending stone takes care of most of the issues associated with traveling -- when the traveler knows next to nothing of traveling, nor has the energy to do it while adventuring. Essentially it's a mindless air-elemental programmed to do a handful of jobs, depending on the needs of the adventurer. The most often jobs requested are 'tending leather', 'tending horses', 'tending campsites', 'tending armor', and 'tending weapons'. When employed, the tending stone takes care of its handful of tasks automatically within a 20ft radius -- sharpening weapons with available materials, keeping a fire burning in fair weather, combing and currying horses that are staked nearby (and feeding them!), and the like. The tending stone is silent, and often works even while exhausted adventurers sleep. Most of these rare stones (sold in Rilan via Lok Magius) come in kits -- with sharpening stones, comb, curry, hoof-pick, flint & steel, tinder, and other necessities. The stone's elemental cannot perform many of its tasks without the appropriate tools, and is a mindless spell-form without any sentience. Tending stones can only be programmed with tendering abilities, elsewise the stone runs the risk of absorbing too much spell-form energy and detonating during creation. Programming and creating a tending stone is a time-intensive process, as each tending task must be programmed in by the spellcaster; the process usually takes roughly one week to program per tendering process, and this tends to make the stones rather expensive and exclusive items. Traditional prices in Rakore for the handful of tasks mentioned above is roughly 5,000gp (or 1,000gp per standard tendering program task), plus or minus 250gp depending on equipment, combs, feed, honing stones, and so on. Use of the stones requires a ritual that lasts no more than a minute to activate, in which all the items necessary for the stone to function are arranged about it before the command word is spoken.