Roc Hawke

A roc hawke is a large bird of prey with wingspans of eighty feet or more. They have been tamed, with chicks impressing on handlers who limit food consumption to slow growth until training is complete. They are impressive hunters with keen eyes and powerful beaks and talons, feeding on large prey on land and at sea. Roc hawkes tend to be rather solitary, with feeding ranges of a hundred miles or more. They have indeterminate growth and can reach impressive sizes. Some of the largest roc hawkes have wingspans of over 400ft with ranges hundreds of miles across. Fledglings tend to have wingspans of at least 80ft and can lift a horse up and off into the sky.

During the ages of dragons, before the Inquisition and its genocide of the dragons, the numbers of rocs were relatively small. Some few of the largest roc hawkes could compete with dragons for territory, but most dragons made easy meals of the large avians. Since the loss of dragons, the roc hawkes have expanded into the old dragon ranges, and their numbers have been increasing.

They are most often used as mounts by the sand orcs of the Ogre Nations, although others have used them, as well.

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