Home Stones

Originally designed by dwarven craftsmen, the HomeStones were two rocks bound together by the faith of Galgiran; whenever a prayer of homefinding was utilized over one of the two rocks, it would light up with variable intensity to help the bearer know the direction and distance to home. Long years ago, the concept of the Home Stones was passed on to other peoples and races, and they have since become a valued part of many travelers' lives.

Home Stones are made by taking one palm-sized rock and breaking it into two equal pieces. One piece remains rough and unaltered, and is often set into hearths or other bits of masonry. The other piece is slowly sanded in a tumbler until the inner beauty of the stone is visible, and the surface is smooth to the touch. During the tumbling process, priests familiar with the prayer of homefinding (from the book of Galgiran) bless the sands with prayers of light – until the light infuses the stone being tumbled within. The prayer of homefinding is called into the smoothed stone when the tumbling is complete, and ever after, whenever the prayer of homefinding is uttered to the smoothed stone, it will begin to glow on one side – in the direction of the other stone. The intensity of the light is directly proportional to the distance to the other stone.

The soft light is barely enough to read by, but for a dwarf deep in the heart of a mountain, it is a warm and welcome sight.