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Campaign IX, Chapter 11, Episode 06

An Ogre in the Rain

Location: Between Firland and the Star's End Monastery

Date: Summer, 1333 Avard

Characters: Gwen, Este, Halite, Tendaji, Nalani

After several inquiries about the Star's End, the team found work as guards for a wagon train heading in that direction. Rumors told of a rogue ogre in the region. They set up camp near some glowing mushrooms as a light rain began to fall in the middle of the night. That's when the ogre attacked.

Behind the Scenes

Date: 2016

DM's Notes: Intro campaign continues.

Reference: Campaign IX
Previous: IX-11-05
Next: IX-11-07

Sommer (Halite)

No comment.

Heather (Nalani)

I want to know what's in the chests. Since we're heading to a monastery for a job translating, I assume it's books or scrolls, and I can't help but be curious. I work out a deal with Tendaji to avoid Call's notice. He sneaks into the wagon with the chests while we're on the way and slips it to me. When we stop for the night, and find that we're camped near a grove of trees covered in glowing fungi. Everyone gathers some, and since the glow is arcane, I can use them to enhance my magic.

After all the fuss with the Billibit mushrooms, I have a chance to look over it and find that it's a 15.5“ scroll in Draconic gold leaf. Tendaji translates it for me, but it's nothing relevant for now - something about 'the Horde' has been moved off Hammer Isle off the Racoran Coast. T puts that one back and I grab another. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to read that one because of the ogre attack. I discovered that the addition of the mushrooms to my Acid Splash created a huge light bomb (for lack of a better word), and nearly blinded half of our company. The ogre was affected as well, but I could have hurt someone!

Saige (Gwen)

No comment.

Seth (Este)

No comment.

Aidan (Tendaji)

No comment.

Visitor Comments

None to date.

gaeleth/campaigns/campaign_ix/ix-11-06.1503871080.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/08/27 21:58 by