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Warvold Deepsmith

Character concept by Bradley Antill, all rights reserved.

Thane of Daggoneth

“I am your friend. You are my enemy.”

Date of Birth: 1279 Avard.

Current Status: Summer, 1331 Avard. Warvold acts as the ambassador between his clan chief, Baron Trorgil, and the village of Takanal, Rakore. He can often be found either in one or the other, or between the two, with occasional jaunts further afield to the capital of Rakore.


Tall for a dwarf at nearly five feet in height, Dwarvold has a formidable build, bright green eyes, and a thick brown beard – a beard not yet grown past his collar, for he is still a young dwarf for all his combat experience. He tends to wear mud-spattered clothing and carries himself with a wild, nervous air.

Warvold carries two extraordinary items that are non-magical, and yet crafted in such a way that they might as well be magical: one is a heavy mithral bashing shield with a surface like a mirror, and the other a keen dwarven waraxe, also with a surface like a mirror. He also carries masterwork chainmail, a dwarven cloak, gloves, belt wallet, and the like.


Warvold is the youngest of the remaining Deepsmiths. They were an ancient clan from the city of Daggoneth, but they were run out of their home by 'the zapsz', cut off from the world by a volcano, and then enslaved by a troll. Forty-one Deepsmiths survived, and Warvold was the strongest, and the largest of them. He had taken many a beating from the troll Grythe, and lost both of his parents to the slave-master as well, living in the ruins of Tymarell, which in turn had been built upon the ruins of Daggoneth.

In mid 1327, Grythe was defeated by 'outsiders' – three humans and a dwarf of the alien Bandylegs clan. The four outsiders that defeated Grythe with the help of ancient defenses locked within the area left, and other outsiders returned, leaving death and destruction in their wake. The Deepsmiths learned the hard way that outsiders brought trouble, as well as good; they were like twin-edged axes that could cut either way.

In mid 1329, another outsider came and won over the Deepsmiths to the cause of Rakore. The new outsider, a man named Sammeth Knar, gave over to the Deepsmiths a beautiful shirt entirely of mithral, and also gave them a purpose. Sammeth told the Deepsmiths that they were needed, and that they might lose more of their people, but there was a world outside their borders that could use their help.

The leader of the Deepsmiths, Trorgil, sent his strongest and his most durable to escort Sammeth back to the outside, and further, to the lands of Rakore. During the War of the Four Winds that soon followed, Trorgil and the Deepsmiths opened their hearths and homes to the nearby village of Takanal, allowing the villagers to escape into the ruins of Tymarell. Together, they all managed to reopen the ruins of Daggoneth and defeat the zapsz, while holding out in the ruins and remaining hidden from their enemies, holding them off when found.

For his role in aiding the people of Takanal, Chief Trorgil of the Deepsmiths was made Baron of Daggoneth, and all the ruins of the mountain turned over to him. In return, Trorgil promoted Warvold to the rank of Thane.


Warvold is a gentle giant among dwarves, strong, kind, and faithful, trusting and open-minded. He's a good craftsman, enjoying his time at the bellows and at the hammer. But that's on a good day. There's another Warvold – a grim, gritty, death-dealing, axe-wielding, unstoppable juggernaught that kills everything that moves.

3.5E Stats

6th Level Dwarven Barbarian
Initiative +1
HP 69
AC 20; Fortitude +9, Reflex +3, Will +3
Speed 6

Alignment: Chaotic Good
Languages: Dwarven, Common
Skills: Climb +5, Craft (armorsmithing) +4, Craft (blacksmithing) +4, Craft (weaponsmithing) +4, Handle Animal +2, Intimidate +9, Jump +10, Listen +4, Survival +6, Swim +5. (none includes armor penalties)
Feats: [Endurance], Cleave, Power Attack, Great Cleave.
Special Abilities: as per Barbarian.
Str 16(+3) Con 18(+4) Dex 12(+1) Int 10(+0) Wis 12(+1) Cha 10(+0)
Equipment: Heavy mithral shield of bashing, keen dwarven war axe, masterwork chainmail, adventurer's pack.