
Known as 'Eltera' by most, Elteraalaalaest is a county of the Mount Lavanor Duchy comprised mainly of desert elves. The hilly forests are used as a base of operations for hunters and rangers of the duchy, with much of its extra meat going to nearby Kashin to the west in exchange for coin and goods.

Count Sharkor Dierayalist was chieftain of the desert elven city state of Elteraalaalaest in the Choranil Desert. Just before the War of the Undead broke out, Elteraalaalaest was abandoned before the forces of the ograns. Sharkor proved himself a formidable warrior, but also a wise leader with nearly three-quarters of a millennium's experience. Abandoning his home, Sharkor led perhaps the largest collection of desert elves remaining in the Choranil out of the desert and into the Rakoran forests. The dangers of the forests proved new and formidable for the desert elves, but they were aided by the humans of Kashin and the dwarves of Mount Lavanor. As the War of the Undead blossomed, the desert elves proved themselves allies of Mount Lavanor and Kashin, learning the ways of the forests and the mountains.

Desert elves being both nomads and stone masons to an extent, the capital of the county shifts seasonally between four locations hewn from the hills. The county is patrolled by desert elves who have become accustomed to the forests, using yard-long arrows, wicked axe-shields, and ambush tactics to keep the land as safe as possible. During the War of the Four Winds, the ograns never took Eltera, a point of pride among the desert elves and their human allies in the county.