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Campaign X, Season 2, Episode 15

Werewolves and Demons

Location: Rilan

Date: early Trical, 1333 Avard

Characters: Chimes, Hiko, Roland, Toox

The troupe went to the monastery and spent time recovering, there. They were tapped out, and knew that they would need to be well-rested before going to the Broken Bow tavern and trying to find Eingrim.

The abbot of the Hidden Vow monastery brought a gift for Toox, who gave it to Roland while he rested.

Hiko flipped through Eingrim's traveling spellbook, and realized that it was a journal. Eingrim was a physician, and an artist. He found a picture of Beth of Kashin, and saw Eingrim's notes on his surgical alteration of her ears, the notes on the demons summoned in Kashin – and his plans for the Black Feather Troupe to clear her name.

Hiko felt used, at first, but the more of the journal he read, the more he understood what Eingrim intended.

Once everyone was well-rested, they devised a plan. Chimes would use her makeup to change Hiko into an old human male, complete with a fake beard. Toox would shape-shift and go with him to the Broken Bow. Once they were in, a suitable time would go by before Roland and Chimes entered, together.

The plan would have worked perfectly, but Chimes' need for attention got the better of her. The minstrels on stage were far inferior to her, and she blew the crowd away with a rendition of a common sea-shanty song. They demanded encore performances, and she was forced to perform again, trying her best to downplay her abilities and hand the stage back to the original minstrels. Only very quick thinking and yet another special performance allowed her to get back to her seat.

During the performance, she had realized that one of the half dozen Guard in the joint was one of the two Guard that had been pushing the cauldron in the jails.

Almost as soon as she sat down, another fellow at their table – bull-necked with dark hair and dark eyes – leaned in close to her. While the crowds were singing along at full volume, only Chimes could hear what he said. “Follow me if you want your friend back.”

Chimes and Roland followed the man out into the snowy night, where snowbanks several feet high were building. The bull-necked man walked off towards the docks, and they followed.

Above them, Missus Melbourne, Hiko's familiar, kept an eye on them. Hiko and Toox followed at a distance. Unseen, behind them, also followed a member of the Guard – trailing them on scent alone.

The bull-necked man

Behind the Scenes

Date: MAY2020

DM's Notes: After the game was over, Caileb let me know that when he went to get something from the printer, he had seen my game notes! He knew from the bold print that werewolves were involved! Toot. He didn't let it affect his time in the magic shop, though, so I'm proud of him for that – no metagaming. One point to Gryphindoor or however-the-hell it's spelled.

Reference: Campaign X
Previous Episode: Xs2e14
Next Episode: Xs2e16

Saige (Toox)

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Caileb (Hiko)

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Sualy (Chimes)

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Michael (Roland)

No comment.

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gaeleth/campaigns/campaign_x/xs2e15.1590372269.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/25 02:04 by khavikanum